Bali Tourism Directory-header APRIL 2020

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  • Gunung Agung Pesangkan Bali I Nengah Subadra
  • Purification of Barong at Masceti Beach, Gianyar Regency, Bali
  • Nusa Penida Island, the sister island of Bali
  • Tomato Farm nearby Batur Lake, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Bali
  • Mount Agung - the highest mountain in Bali, captured from Pesangkan Village, Karangasem Regency

Bali Academic Publishing


Bali Academic Publishing (BAP) is a prominent academic publisher by Language Assistance specializing in the dissemination of high-quality scientific articles across various disciplines, including hospitality, tourism, business, health and tourism, and linguistics and pedagogy. Situated in Denpasar - the vibrant cultural hub of Bali, Indonesia, this publisher is dedicated to advancing knowledge and fostering academic excellence within these fields.



Hospitality and Tourism

Bali Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Culture Research

In the realm of hospitality and tourism, Bali Academic Publishing stands out for its commitment to showcasing cutting-edge research that addresses the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of the industry. The publisher offers a platform for scholars to explore a wide array of topics, from sustainable tourism practices and destination management to the impacts of globalization on local cultures and economies. By facilitating the exchange of ideas and findings, Bali Academic Publishing contributes to the development of innovative strategies that enhance the hospitality and tourism sectors globally.


Bali Journal of Hospitality Tourism and Culture Research BJHTCR



Business Studies
Bali Academic Publishing also excels in the business domain, providing a robust collection of scholarly articles that delve into various aspects of business management, entrepreneurship, finance, and marketing. The publisher's journals cover contemporary issues such as digital transformation, corporate governance, and international trade. Researchers and practitioners alike benefit from the insights and practical applications presented in these publications, helping to drive business innovation and economic growth.



Health & Tourism Sciences
Health sciences are another critical focus area for Bali Academic Publishing. The publisher is committed to advancing public health knowledge and practices by disseminating research on topics such as epidemiology, healthcare management, mental health, and medical technologies. By publishing evidence-based studies and comprehensive reviews, Bali Academic Publishing supports the improvement of health outcomes and the development of effective healthcare policies and interventions.



Linguistics & Pedagogy
In the field of linguistics, Bali Academic Publishing promotes the exploration of language from multiple perspectives, including theoretical, applied, and sociolinguistic approaches. The publisher's journals provide a platform for linguistic scholars to share their research on language acquisition, phonetics, syntax, semantics, and language preservation. By fostering a deeper understanding of linguistic phenomena, Bali Academic Publishing helps to preserve linguistic diversity and enhance communication across cultures. Addtionally, Bali Academic Publishing is also renowned for its contributions to the field of pedagogy. The publisher is dedicated to enhancing educational practices and outcomes by disseminating research on various aspects of teaching and learning. This includes studies on curriculum development, educational technology, teaching methodologies, and educational psychology. By providing a platform for educators and researchers to share their findings, Bali Academic Publishing supports the continuous improvement of educational systems and the professional development of teachers. The publisher's focus on innovative and evidence-based pedagogical strategies helps to shape the future of education and fosters a deeper understanding of effective teaching and learning processes.



Commitment to Quality and Accessibility
Bali Academic Publishing is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and rigor. All submitted manuscripts undergo a thorough peer-review process conducted by experts in the respective fields, ensuring the publication of reliable and impactful research. Additionally, the publisher is committed to enhancing the accessibility of scientific knowledge by supporting open access initiatives, allowing researchers, practitioners, and the general public to freely access and benefit from the published works.



Global Reach and Impact
With a global reach, Bali Academic Publishing attracts contributions from researchers around the world, fostering an international community of scholars. The publisher's efforts in promoting interdisciplinary research and cross-cultural dialogue are instrumental in addressing global challenges and advancing scientific progress.





Bali Tourism Directory FLYER 2018


Researcher Team


The Bali Tourism Directory is a distinguished Tourism Information and Research Centre. It collaborates exclusively with highly qualified researchers who have extensive experience and a track record of national and international publications in the field of tourism research. We are committed to excellence. Our researchers undergo a rigorous selection process to ensure that only individuals with a proven and reputable background contribute to the knowledge we provide. The Bali Tourism Directory aims to provide accurate and insightful information about Bali's tourism landscape. By prioritising collaboration with seasoned experts, it upholds the highest standards and establishes itself as a trusted source for authoritative insights into the dynamic world of tourism on the island.


1. I Nengah Subadra, PhD

2. Nono Wibisono, PhD

3. Deddy Saefuloh, PhD

4. Dr I Gde Mudana

5. Professor Dr I Nengah Sudipa

6. Professor Dr I Wayan Ardika

7. Professor Dr I Nyoman Darma Putra


GWK 2018



Seminar Programs


As a Tourism Information and Research Centre, Bali Tourism Directory offers seminar programs for public, higher educations and government offices. The seminar offers the participants to understand the conceptual definitions of the selected topics and to discuss the matters with the experts or university scholars who graduated from Indonesian and overseas universities.



Seminar Topics


A number of interesting topics are ready to be organised and presented publicly, including: 

- Current tourism issues

- Tourism and culture

Tourism and environment

Tourism and economics

Tourism and entrepreneurship

Tourism and language

- Tourism and journalism

- Tourism and marketing

- Tourism and crimes

- Tourism policy and implications

- Tourism and poverty

- Tourism and religion

- Village tourism

- Creative tourism

- Marine tourism

- Community-based tourism

- MICE tourism

- Tourism research methodology

- Tourism and ergonomics

- Tourism and cruise line


Bali Tourism Directory-bird and monkey watch


Seminar Venue and Time


Seminar is professionally organized by the partnership hotel or restuarant in Denpasar City where participants will enjoy comfortable atmosphere while attending the seminars. Participants come in persons to the selected hotels.


Overall, the seminar goes for 3 hours between 09:00 until 12: 00 WITA. The seminar shall be officially opened by the Director of Bali Tourism Directory and to be continued with the academic presentation by the speakers for one and a half hours and to finish with discussions where participants are encouraged to question on the selected topic. 



Seminar Inclusions 


All participants attending  are entitled to have seminar kits, a seminar certificate (signed by the Director of Bali Tourism Directory, assigned expert speakers and prospective university or higher educations jointly organising the seminar), refreshments or snacks which served before the seminar begins; and buffet lunch which prepared by the hotel after the seminar. These will make your visit to Bali really unforgettable.



Seminar Fee 



It costs Rp. 350 000 (three hundred fifty thousand) per person. Seminar can only be organised with a minimum participants of 50 people. Less than fifty shall be be charged more to cover the operational fees. 




Office Address


Bali Tourism Directory: Tourism Research and Information Agency


Jalan Padma

Komplek Perumahan Beteng Sari

Gang Tunjung No.16
Kelurahan Peguyangan Kangin
Kecamatan Denpasar Utara
Bali - Indonesia


Postcode 80115





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Bali Tourism Directory














Bali Tourism Directory - BESAKIH DAN PANTAI GOA LAWAH 


Who have TRUSTED us?

There have been many organisations who have trusted Bali Tourism Directory arranging thier business and academic trip in Bali. Below are some examples of companies using our service.


1. Fieldtrip to coastal tourism of Jimbaran and official meeting with Department of Tourism of Badung Regency organized by the Head of Tourism Department of Lombok Utara and attended by officials related to tourism development.


2. Comparative study to SD 1 Tulangampian, Denpasar and Bali Day Tour organised by chairman of Elementary School Principal Association of Banjit Sub-district, Way Kanan Regency, Lampung attended by associate members. 


3. Comparative study to translation offices in Bali organised by Jakarta sworn translators and attended by sworn translators and family. 




Need Guide Service in Bali?




International tourist visit to Bali 2018


By Dr I Nengah Subadra


In General, the number of international tourist visiting Bali increases gradually for the last five years: 3 278 598 (2013), 3 766 638 (2014), 4 001 835 (2015), 4 927 937 (2016), and 5 697 739 (2017). (Bali Statistics Agency, July 2018)


By the mid of 2018, there have been 2 348 455 tourists travelling to Bali for holiday. In January 2018, there were only 358 065 foreign tourists coming to the island; in which this number grew steadly from month to month until reached 528 512 tourists in May 2018 which totally accounted for 2 348 455 bt the end of May 2018 (Bali Statistics Agency, July 2018).


Bali Tourism Directory BALI ARTS FESTIVAL ke 40


In 2017, international tourists visiting Bali reached 5 697 739 tourists. It was almost one million more than the number of tourists coming to Bali in 2016. However, the tourists were dominated by Chinese, to follow with Australians other Asian nationals. This shows that the market of Bali tourism has been slightly changed to Asian market. 


International tourist visit to Bali in 2016 reached nearly 5 million tourists which exactly accounted for 4 852 634 people which dominated by Australian, Chinese, Japanese, British and Indian that made up 23,35%, 20,22%, 4,82%, 4,54%, and 3,66% respectively. Other nationalities such as American, French, Malaysian, Korean had fewer percentage that constituted less that 3.5% each (Bali Statistics Agency, May 2017) .



The above overview suggests that in 2016, Australians still serve Bali as the most favourite holiday destination and might even been considered as their second homes where they can enjoy unique cultures and natural tourism sites; and the Chinese tourists seem to be very potential market for current Bali's tourism.   




Tourism Schools in Bali:



Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Triatma Jaya

 (STIPAR Triatma Jaya)


Jalan Kubu Gunung

Keluraha Dalung,

Kecamatan Kuta Utara,

Kabupaten Badung,

Bali 80361


Telepon: (0361) 412971, 425761

Fax: (0361) 412972



Akademi Pariwisata Denpasar


Jalan Tukad Balian

Renon, Kota Denpasar


Telepon: 0878-6001-3278



Jurusan Pariwisata, Politeknik Negeri Bali

Jl. Raya Uluwatu No.45, 

Jimbaran, Kuta Selatan,
Kabupaten Badung,
Bali 80361


Telepon: (0361) 701981 


Politeknik Pariwisata Bali


(Previously Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Nusa Dua Bali

Jl. Nusa Dua, 

Kelurahan Benoa,
Kecamatan Kuta Selatan.
Kabupaten Badung,
Bali 80361

Telephon: (0361) 773537



Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bali Internasional


Jalan Tari Kecak No. 12, (Daerah Gatot Subroto Timur)

Kelurahan Tonja,

Denpasar - Bali




Fakultas Pariwisata, Universitas Udayana
Jl. DR. Goris No.7,
Kelurahan Dangin Puri Klod,
Denpasar Timur, Kota Denpasar,
Bali 80114
Telepon: (0361) 223798



Jurusan Perhotelan, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis,

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha 


Jalan Udayana No.11
Singaraja - Bali 81116

Telepon: (0362) 22570
Fax: (0362) 25735
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Manajemen Pariwisata D-IV,

Universitas Dhyana Pura Bali

Jl. Raya Padang Luwih,
Tegal Jaya, Dalung, Kuta Utara,
Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361
Telepon: (0361) 426450




Politeknik Internasional Bali (PIB)
Jl. Pantai Nyanyi, Desa Beraban
Kecamatan Kediri
Kabupaten Tabanan
Postcode 82121
Bali – Indonesia



Telephone: +62361880099 / +62818151503
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Bali Tourism Directory:


Bali Tourism Research and Information Agency


Lembaga Informasi dan Penelitian Pariwisata Bali


Bali Tourism Directory the nature and culture of paradise



Penerjemah Tersumpah di Denpasar Bali, Penerjemah Inggris Tersumpah di Denpasar Bali, Penerjemah Prancis Tersumpah di Denpasar Bali, Penerjemah Jerman Tersumpah di Denpasar Bali, Penerjemah Jepang Tersumpah di Denpasar Bali, Penerjemah Belanda Tersumpah di Denpasar Bali, Bali Penerjemah Tersumpah, Sworn Translator in Denpasar Bali, English Sworn Translator in Denpasar Bali, Japanese Sworn Translator in Denpasar Bali, Dutch Sworn Translator in Denpasar Bali, German Sworn Translator in Denpasar Bali, French Sworn Translator in Denpasar Bali, Sworn Translator in Denpasar Bali, Certified Translator in Denpasar Bali, Kantor Penerjemah Tersumpah Bali, penerjemah tersumpah di bali, sworn translator in bali, translation service in bali, harga penerjemah tersumpah Bali, jasa translate bali, jasa penerjemah bahasa inggris murah bali, Bali Denpasar translator Service, sworn translator Bali, Public Notary Bali, Sworn Translator Bali, Certified Translator Bali



Current News

Bali Tourism Directory offers free Bali Virtual Tour for tourists to see tourism sites in Bali virtually. This allows tourists to know Bali prior to their departures to Bali, the endless rites island. 


Bali Virtual Tour Bali Tourism Directory





Academics on holiday? Why not? If you are planning to organise a seminar on tourism and culture in Bali, we are here to help you organise the event. It includes keynote speakers (experts), certificate, seminar kit, venue (hotel, restaurant or campus), meals, billboard, etc.






Book These Super Deal Offers to SAVE your money!

Goa Lawah Pratima Melasti 2019

Bali TOUR Programs

Barong dance Bali Tourism Directory BatubulanBarong Dance Tour


Flight to Bali

Book the cheapest flight to Bali now



Lempuyang "Paradise Gate" Tour



Ubud Tour: the centre of culture


Car Rental Bali Avanza new

Tour with a private driver in Bali

Read it, Reserve it and Ride it!



Have you ever thought about reserving and joining tour and holiday activities in Bali at the lowest price with the best quality? Here is the house of discount. We confirm the discount offered is absolutely NOT reducing the quality of the service at all.



Sworn translation


Contact Language Assistance, a Bali based sworn and certified translation office that offers high quality translations for Indonesian and foreign languages such as English, French, German, Japanese, Dutch, etc. 



Nusa Penida


Explore and understand the cultures of Bali! Such understanding will certainly rise your awareness on local cultures. Explore, respect and love!






Enjoy marine tourism in Bali where you can enjoy a day cruise in Bali to explore the sister islands of Bali such as Nusa Lembongan, Nusa Penida which offer you such great views to gaze and also a number of seaside activities such as banana boat ride, snorkelling, diving and swimming. 



Ayung Rafting 5


Amazing and challenging activities shall be experienced during your stay on this paradise island. Going with the flow of Bali's clean water along the twisting rivers would become your very impressive holiday experience in Bali while looking at the real river life that environmentally friendly. 





Are you planning to get married and spend your honeymoon in Bali? You will certainly experience your most unforgettable memory in your life. A number of wedding organizers are ready to organise your wedding on the true paradise island.



Cycling 12


Biking on the island of paradise will become such a very great experience in your life. This allows you to explore the remote sides of Bali through the villages and bumpy streets where the local people of Bali practise their routines in natural ways. 






Heritage Site in Bali: have you ever visited heritage sites in Bali? It would be very meaningful if you could visit some heritage tourism sites while you are spending holidays on the island. There are a number of sites that offer you such a fascinating heritage that remain to be gazed at to make your vacation on this paradise island more impressive.



Bali Tourism Directory LOGO 3 APRIL 2019


Bali is very popular for its temples. It ranges from family temple to public temple. There are a number of rites as a part of Balinese culture that can be seen while visiting temples across the island so-called "authentic". This would be much greater rather than enjoying staged attractions which purposely performed for tourists. Explore the island and enjoy these unique attractions.






Holiday in Bali will never be boring as there are a number of activities to engage with such as swimming, sunbathing, dolphin watching, relaxing on the beach, or showering in natural hot spring water. These activities will refresh your mind and refine your energy.



Batur Natural Hot Spring Water I NENGAH SUBADRA PHD   


Explore Indonesia - the richest cultural and natural resources in the world with millions of diversities. This is the best place where tourists can gaze at and engage with them while escaping daily routines.







Bali Tourism Directory LOGO 26 April 2020